Continuous Glucose Monitoring System Problems

Continuous Glucose Monitoring System Problems

We are investigating the safety of certain continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems monitor and control diabetes. CGM systems use sensors that connect to the body. More than 500,000 reports of CGM problems have been reported to the FDA. The sensors measure glucose levels and transmit blood sugar levels to small screen receivers or smart devices, like an app on a cell phone. CGM systems are promoted as a way to monitor real-time glucose readings, day and night, alerting the user if glucose levels are too high or low.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring System ProblemsTalk To A Lawyer

If you or a loved one were hospitalized with serious injuries caused by a CGM system failing to monitor glucose levels or alert that levels were dangerously high or low, please contact us. Complete the short form above or contact us at 800.755.0098 for a free and confidential consultation.